Market Shifting, but 2019 Will Be An Amazing Year!

The new reality is setting in with changes in our market, and our economy across the board. There are welcome and positive changes to note with regards to some elements of the current price shifts. We were in need of more balance in the market. It was purely a matter of time before prices leveled off or even slightly declined from the peak, which we are currently seeing. I expect the current 8% change from spring to be a temporary correction given current interest rates rising, and overall mentality shifts in the market. I don't foresee this to be a recession or complete meltdown of the market in any form. Seattle needed more balance, and now it's becoming a great market to be a seller or a buyer. By no means is it a market where buyers are ruling the land. There are still many homes in desirable neighborhoods that are selling with competition. Most notably move in ready homes. I predict 2019 will be the best year and market conditions we have experienced in over 5 years! Don't sit on the sidelines. My advice to any and all clients is to make choices that fit your current needs, and approach your desire to buy or sell based on what your long term goals are. Short term market corrections are exactly that......"short term." Focus on what you desire to make your home for years to come, and you will come out on top regardless of market corrections that take place over that long term time span!